Planning your estate

Manage your legacy with peace of mind


Secure the financial future of your loved ones

You've worked hard for your money. Assure that your wealth is distributed according to your wishes and save your family from having to make tough decisions after you're gone.

Your wealth advisor plays a key role

Conseiller en placement observant avec une loupe

We understand your needs

Your advisor will do a comprehensive analysis of your family and financial situation.

Conseiller en placement avec un rapport de stratégies

We're experts at what we do

Your advisor will implement strategies to reduce the tax burden on your heirs.

Conseiller en placement avec un document de suivi

We'll keep you on track

Your advisor will regularly review your estate plan, taking into account any changes in your personal or financial situation.

Your advisor will walk you through every decision

Femme concentrée, rédigeant un plan successoral sur son ordinateur portable

Drawing up an estate plan

Your will ensures your assets are distributed according to your wishes.

Client souriant faisant affaire avec son conseiller en placement

Choosing an executor

Choosing an executor is not an easy task. This person will be responsible for managing your entire estate.

Trois personnes discutant de fiducie

Creating a trust

Ensure peace of mind by deciding how your estate will be divided, used, distributed and managed.

Volontaires organisant une collecte de dons

Making a donation

Donating to a cause that is important to you or creating a fund in the Philantra Foundation is a good way to leave a lasting legacy. Additionally, your estate will be eligible for tax benefits.

Pictogramme point d'interrogation

Did you know?

It can take up to 4 years to settle an estate.1

[1]  Source: Executor's checklist. p. 1 CWA - Document published by National Bank of Canada.

Our expertise at your service

Estate planning

Estate planning is essential to avoid any misunderstandings among your heirs and ensure your wishes are respected.

Portfolio management

Are you retired, or planning to retire soon? This may be a good time to protect your wealth by switching to lower-risk investments.

Tax planning

What is the best strategy to maintain your current lifestyle after you retire?

Need estate planning assistance?

Ask your wealth advisor and our team of experts!


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